Back Day Tips

Just Some Tips on How to Grow/Strengthen/Add Detail Your Back!

So many of us struggle to actually "feel" our back when it comes to training it. A lot of times our arms fatigue out too soon before we can even feel that posterior connection.

What can we do?

1) DECREASE THE WEIGHT!  - "But I thought I had to lift heavier weights to get stronger and build muscles bigger??" - NO! YOU DON'T HAVE TO! Mind you, lifting heavier loads will recruit more muscle fibers, hence promoting more growth, but the same can be achieved once you reach muscular failure. Find that happy medium where its not too heavy, but not too light. Remember, its not about how much weight you move, it's about how much weight the MUSCLE YOU'RE TARGETING can move.

2) USE LIFTING STRAPS OR VERSA GRIPS! - "But I want to work on my grip strength!" -WORK OUT YOUR GRIP STRENGTH IN OTHER WAYS! GO MILK A COW OR SOMETHING....I highly recommend choosing to focus on one or the othe ron your back days. Lifting straps can take so much grip strength out of your lift to where it will allow your back to do the lifting rather than your forearms and biceps

3) CHANGE YOUR FOCUS! - Rather than focusing on pulling with your arms on lat pulls or rows, something I tell all my clients to focus on is to PUSH through the elbows. Simply look at your hands as hooks, and rather than pulling through with them, PUSH your elbows behind you (on rows) or toward the ground (on pull ups or lat pulls). When my clients are rowing, I place my hands behind their elbows and I tell them to push my hands with the bows! TRY IT!!

4) SLOW YOUR TEMPO! - Take momentum out of your movements (expect deadlifts, thats a fast pull) and let the weight stay laoded on your muscles! 

Hope this helps!

P.S - For anyone interested in BODY TRANSFORMATIONS please don't hesitate to reach out. You'd be surprised the results we can produce for you in as little as 6 weeks. 

Thank You All! 


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